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Double Life

VATS Lobectomy 흉강경 폐엽절제술






VATS Left Lower Lobectomy (pf.황)

prn) Open thoracotomy 














Scope 10mm + light cable - 10mm trocar만 사용

5mm ethicon clip

hem-o-lok small (green)

VATS instrument 5ea 

wolf fcp
andrew suction - vein stapler하고 난 후 부터 사용

<thoracotomy set>

Lg Lg kelly 4/ Lg kelly 4/ kelly 2/ mosquito 





2.Inferior pulmonary ligament and Lymph node #9

-adhesion 이 있는 경우 stick 으로 dissection , yankeur suction tip

-Retract the lower lobe superior with sponge forceps 

-inferorior pulmonary ligament 를 bovie와, harmonic, hook으로 cauterization 

-bovie, hook으로 Lymph #9 remove







3.Posterior pleura

Posterior pleura는 inferior pulmonary vein 표면의 뒷편에 위치해 있다

black metz과 harmonic 으로 dissection

bronchial arteries - 5mm clip 


4.Inferior pulmonary vein 

Pass a right-angle clamp around the IPV 



5.Subcarnial Lymph node dissection 

Lymph node #7 

left lung 을 retraction 을 anterior로 하면 posterior lilum을 stick 으로 expose 


6.Completing the fissure 

fissure의 부분을 metz과 harmonic으로 dissection 

GIA Purple 60 + 45


7.Transecting the pulmonary artery

Metzenbaum scissors와 harmonic으로 LLL bronchus and the lower lobe artery 분리

​rt angle로 pass시켜, sling을 걸기도 함  



8.Transection of the bronchus

GIA Purple 45


9.Lobe removal 


10.Node dissection is completed 

Left side mediastimal lymph node dissection 











Atlas of Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery (VATS)

Copyright © 2011 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.