Laminoplasty c-spine
multi-level cervical myelopathy
1. 척추후궁성형술
2. 추궁판성형술
velocity drill - 3mm cutting, diamond, fissure, 6mm cutting bur
rotating punch - 주로 2mm
micro pituatary 3ea, punch 1ea
bipolar sharp / blunt
micro setting 필요없음
prone - head secured in a Mayfield three-pin head-holder
2. midline posterior exposure
->20mess incision
->assist: tooth 2ea
->bipolar bleeding control 하고 난 후 bovie로 lateral dissection, subperiostal plane을 따라 muscle expose
->retractor : mastoid, 깊어지면 beckmann
->4*4 x-ray gz 사용
3.Open Side Trough Preparation
lamina를 junction 따라 burr - dorsal cortex - cancellous bone : 3mm cutting burr & 3mm diamond burr
Hemostasis of the bone surfaces : bone wax (ostene) 의 no.4 ele
2mm sliding punch, 직각 punch, rotating punch 주로 사용.
가끔 5mm 직각 punch
->ostene 의 no.4
4.Keeping the Door Open
주로 open door plate 사용 (파란색)
->bender 는 kelly로 사용
->plate holder
5.Drill and Screw Insertion
hand drill or fissure bur -> screw 2.6* 5mm
hemovac 400m
1/0 vicryl -> 2/0 j vicryl -> skin stapler
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'Double Life' 카테고리의 다른 글
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