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Double Life

OATS (Osteochondral Autograft Transfer System)








Osteochondral Autograft Transfer System 

(​Single Use OATS)


OATS, often referred to as mosaicplasty, aims to restore damaged articular cartilagevia 

the transplantationof boneplugs with overlying articular cartilage, 

harvested from a non (or lesser) weight-bearing area of the knee. 

Gudas et al. showed significantly better clinically results after 12, 24and36 months comparing OATS with microfracture. 

However, with an increasing defect size, the complication rate rises due to integrationproblems and donor site morbidity. 






OS Minor set - army, cushing, metz, regular fcp, kelly, st mosquito

A/S set - grasper , 망치

OS Bone set - rongeur

부속 set - hohmann



hoke osteotome

a/s osteotome

a/s 부속 - pituatary fcp

prn) micro frcature, suture retriver, knot pusher 


a/s camera. debrider (노/검 tip)

light cable

30도 scope



10mess, 11mess

spinal needle

400m driain : 4칸 반

1/0 vicryl, 2/0 vicryl, 3/0 nylon



long leg splint





*single use OATS : 6,8,10mm

*chondral + tissel  













1.position : supine with the use of a leg holder or lateral post







2.A/S Scope insertion 

11mess incision -> st moquito로 opening -> scope insertion -> diagnostic arthroscopy





<그림참고> From Miller MD, Chhabra AB, Hurwitz S, et al. [eds]. Orthopaedic Surgical Approaches. Philadelphia, Elsevier, 2008, p 486 


scope in inferolateral portal , spinal needle in posteromedial portal 

-> 11mess incision -> st moquito -> probe로 meniscus 확인








3.catilage 정리 

debrider shaver로 정리 후 probe로 size와 손상 범위 확인

->11 blade로 catilage 를 자르고, grasper로 떼 낸다.

-> soft tissue를 straight curette 으로 제거 

->osteotome이나 hoke로 나머지 catilige 정리

-> OATS Set내의 alignment rod 로 artricular cartilage defect 확인






4.donor site : proximal femur 에 따로 incision 넣고 

blue donor harvester

-> 흰색 knob를 원하는 depth만큼 돌린 후 빼고

-> 망치

-> blue harvester를 bone으로 부터 빼낸다. 

-> 빼낸 후에는 투명색 delivery 를 끝에 꼽는다. 







5.Recipient site 

*mini open: 10mess->metz dissection-> army, hohmann. cushing

흰색 recipient harvester + knob 조립 해서 donor graft보다 2mm 적게 impactor 한다.

->blue donor harvester + delivery 를 recipient site에 넣고 knob를 돌린다.

->knob를 제거 하고 

->blue donor harvester를 망치로 친 후 

->driver를 hole에 넣고 망치

->bone이 socket에 다 들어 가면 

->blue impactor로 final seating














1/0 vicryl 

->2/0 vicryl 

->3/0 nylon

->400m drain 

->long leg spliint






APA (American Psychological Assoc.)
Goodwin, J. (2016). Knee Injuries and Repair : Diagnoses, Management and Outcomes. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

MLA (Modern Language Assoc.)
Goodwin, Jenna. Knee Injuries and Repair : Diagnoses, Management and Outcomes. Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2016. Orthopedic Research and Therapy. EBSCOhost.


<arthrex OATS Brochure>
